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  • Address :

    225 West 5th South, Rexburg, ID 83440, USA

  • State : ID
Jul 30, 2024
Not worth the price. I spent so much money for basically no amenities. I will say, the furniture and the carpet was all new, and that was nice, as well as having private rooms. However, it was freezing during the winter. The heating never worked. We called maintenance to fix

it several times, and they’d always come a few minutes before they were off, poke around and not do anything, tell us their shift was ending so they’d have to go but they’d come back tomorrow. They wouldn’t come back tomorrow. It would take them days before they would come and tell us they didn’t know what was wrong and they’d have to call a professional. When the professional came they’d get it working for about a week, and then it would stop working again. This happened every single time with both the heating and the water heater. We never had hot water in the winter time and it was never fixed. We also had the apartment above us flood and leak through our ceiling, as well as water damage in the vanity room, both of which were fixed by painting over the problem. The towel rack was constantly falling off the wall and pulling out chunks of plaster due to all the water damage. The appliances are incredibly outdated. However, the manager is really nice and was trying her best. I don’t know who’s fault it is with the living conditions. I did have an okay experience living here, and I met good people who are still my best friends. It’s a mostly comfortable place to live, we just had a lot of problems with staying warm in the winter, and the maintenance sucks.

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Jul 27, 2024
it would be more like 2.5, the most appealing part of the camden apartments is that they are private rooms. the renovations were nice enough but there’s no central AC, the heat was off during winter for a week, hot water went away for two weeks during winter, the maintenance

crew didn’t seem to get to any issues faster than a week, various things. i would say that the apartment manager Kerrigan was great and did the best she could all things considered, but the place could use a few updates.

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Apr 16, 2024
The price is NOT worth it if you're living without functioning hot water and heating during Rexburg Winter. This was a consistent issue throughout the Fall and Winter 2024 semesters for the entirety of Building 2. Maintenance was extremely difficult to work with and at times unresponsive, only coming in

to check issues for 5 minutes and then telling you that you have to wait several weeks for them to be fixed or there's nothing that they can do. During the Winter break, The apartment above mine flooded, causing a bubble of water to form on the ceiling. The solution? Letting the water drain out then painting over it. With the worst of it out of the way, the experience I had walking into the apartment for the first time was still terrible. I entered the bathroom to discover black sludge in the shower and toilet. Someone had poured grease down the the drain over the summer break, ruining the plumbing in our apartment. We had to wait 3 days before we could use the kitchen sink or left bathroom. Lastly, even for the price of the rent, there are no amenities whatsoever and the laundry is NOT free. Don't waste your time or money.

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Dec 20, 2023
The individual rooms are super nice and clean. The kitchen could use an upgrade and also in house laundry would be great. Don’t see the need to pay for laundry on top of already paying for rent. Doesn’t come with any amenities so strongly feel that free laundry should be

included in staying here. Parking pass is also pricey, you feel like you are getting a good deal until you have to pay other fees on top of the rent total.

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Nov 16, 2023
Overall, I've had a good experience at Camden. The private rooms are great and a good size. The two managers I've had during my time here have both been really sweet and nice to work with. Maintenance can be a bit slow (last semester we had a toilet out for

over a week.) The apartments have just been renovated and while pretty nice, some of the hardware seems a bit cheap and like it won't last. Place does seem a bit overpriced for what you get but it served its purpose for me.

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